Monthly Tuition
All Classes = $70.00/month
Drop-in Price = $25.00/class
Parade Team = $30.00/month
Private Lessons = $40.00/hr
Studio Rental = $20.00/hr
Individual & Team choreography services available by request
Adult and child Party Packages available by request
Tuition Discounts
​Multi-Class discount
10% discount for 2 classes
20% discount for 3+ classes
(discount does not apply to parade team)
​Sibling discount
10% off per class for each sibling
Tuition Information
Tuition is due on the 1st of every month​
A $10.00 late fee will be applied to payments received after the 10th.
A fee of $35.00 will be applied to all returned checks.
Tuition is calculated based on the 18 weeks of class instruction and is not discounted or pro-rated for illness or holidays
Registration Fees
$25.00 registration fee due at time of registration​​
Costume Fee
Costume fees will be discussed and billed per student for showcase costumes & recital costumes
Dancers keep all paid-for costumes
May Recital Fee
$13.00 recital fee per dancer billed with May tuition
Two recital audience tickets included with fee